Deborah Ratliff: The Lonely Writer

Writers Unite!

Writing is lonely work. At least, that is the opinion of friends of mine who are not writers. They ask, how can you sit at a computer all day and not talk to anyone? Somehow, telling them, I’m never alone, that I talk to my characters would likely not reassure them being alone is good for me.

The fact is that despite the witty or testy or romantic conversation we have with our creations, writing is lonely work.

My career provided a writing outlet. I wrote research papers, training, operations, and policy manuals, newsletters, print and broadcast advertising copy.  While necessary within the scope of my work, and writing advertising was certainly challenging, I never felt fulfilled. When time to write presented itself after a corporate downsizing resulting in a layoff, I took the plunge. I started writing fiction.

As an only child, the solitude of writing was never a…

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3 thoughts on “Deborah Ratliff: The Lonely Writer

  1. Yes it is lonely but then I disagree, within the world of you’re own book you meet so many characters which you design, you spend the rest of the days, months and even years with them. It’s fun when the book is coming along great.

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